
Metamorphosis - SAQA Global Show

I am extremely happy to announce that my piece, Unveiled Existence, has been selected as one of the 25 art quilts to tour as the Metamorphosis - SAQA Global Show from 2018 - 2021.  The show opens at the International Quilt Festival - Houston, Texas in November 2018.  The Metamorphosis show then continues on to other venues including the International Quilt Festival - Chicago, Illinois in April 2019.  

Unveiled Existence

38.5" x 33"

Silk Organza, Loosely Woven Fabric, Cotton Thread, Metallic Thread, Polyester Thread

Photo By: Sam Garnett

Detail of Unveiled Existence

Photo By: Sam Garnett

Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) is an international organization that promotes art quilts.  

An art quilt is defined by SAQA as “a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure”.
The word "references" allows for a broader understanding of the art quilt that welcomes growth and development of individual style. This may include:  
  • more 3D work and work in media other than fiber/textile/fabric/cloth
  • techniques and materials not found in traditional quilting
  • framed, unframed, bound, and unbound work
                                                                               - Definition from SAQA website

Detail of Unveiled Existence

Photo By: Sam Garnett

Detail of Unveiled ExistencePhoto By: Sam Garnett

Detail of Unveiled Existence

Photo By: Sam Garnett

Detail of Unveiled Existence

Photo By: Sam Garnett

Unveiled Existence consists of numerous layers of hand dyed silk organza.  A loosely woven fabric is used as the middle layer to add another level of texture.  I also used both silk screen and discharge processes to alter the hand dyed  silk organza.  The top layer is embellished with hand stitching using a variety of threads.  

Love letters

36 Questions You Can Ask Anyone to Fall in Love

I have just completed a piece for the upcoming 36 Questions Show that will be shown April-June in the Esther Building Art Space in Vancouver, WA.  The show revolves around the idea of 36 questions you can ask anyone to fall in love.  The premise is that you can ask someone these 36 questions and with sustained eye contact fall in love.  For more info on the study check out

Silk Organza, hand stitched

While the theory is interesting, my husband hates questions and would have run in the opposite direction if I had asked him more than two questions in a row much less 36.  However, maybe this show will lead to new loves in Vancouver.  For the show my question to respond to is:  What Is Your Most Treasured Memory?". 

Silk organza, hand stitched

I dug way back in time to high school when my husband and I dated the first time.  After rereading all his old love letters, I selected my favorite lines to scan and print on silk organza.  Having the lines in his handwriting is important to the realness of the piece.  These snippets of organza are a little frayed and lightly faded to represent how our memories evolve over time.  Over many years, a long separation, and the roller coaster of life these letters have remained.  The letters contain the memories I treasure most as they remind me of young love and the question of where our lives would lead.  

Silk Organza, hand stitched

Silk Organza, hand stitched

Ice Dyeing

Saturday was a fabulous day of experimenting with ice dyeing with Sheryl LeBlanc and Judith Quinn Garnett.

The process steps we referred to for this experiment were from Linda Johansen.

Prewash fabric with Synthrapol if it is not PFD fabric.

Make a Soda Ash Solution:

  • 1 Cup of Soda Ash
  • 1/2 Cup of Salt
  • 1 Gallon (16 cups) warm water

Stir until dissolved.

Soak the fabric in the Soda Ash Solution for 10 minutes.  Wring out fabric.  Scrunch, pleat, or fold the fabric as desired and shove it in a small (32 oz. ideal) clear container.  Clear containers allow you to see the dye penetration.  The tighter the fabric is gathered the more crackling and resist.  Break up a bag of ice in to small pieces (as small as possible).  Cover the fabric in the containers with a layer of ice.  Immediately sprinkle dry MX dye powders on the ice (roughly 1/4tsp or more per color).  Wait for the ice to melt.  Rinse.  Final wash in machine with Synthrapol.

I use Dharma's MX dyes primarily and have referenced my samples with their dye color numbers (unless otherwise noted as a ProChem Dye).

Silk Organza - Truffle Brown (135), Azure (56), Golden Brown (113)

Silk Organza - Truffle Brown (135), Azure (56), Golden Brown (113)

Silk Organza - Truffle Brown (135), Azure (56), Golden Brown (113)

Silk Organza - Truffle Brown (135), Azure (56), Golden Brown (113)

Silk Organza - Truffle Brown (135), Azure (56), Golden Brown (113)

Silk Organza - Truffle Brown (135), Azure (56), Golden Brown (113)

Silk Organza - Musk Melon (ProChem 200), Deep Orange (6), Rust Orange (8)

Silk Organza - Musk Melon (ProChem 200), Deep Orange (6), Rust Orange (8)

Silk Organza - Musk Melon (ProChem 200), Deep Orange (6), Rust Orange (8)

Silk Organza - Musk Melon (ProChem 200), Deep Orange (6), Rust Orange (8)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Brazil Nut (116), Buttescotch (ProChem 115), Truffle Brown (135)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Brazil Nut (116), Buttescotch (ProChem 115), Truffle Brown (135)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Avoacdo (33), Moss Green (134), Bronze (37)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Avoacdo (33), Moss Green (134), Bronze (37)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - 

PFD Cotton Sheeting - 

PFD Cotton Sheeting - 

PFD Cotton Sheeting - 

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Maroon (16), Black Cherry (111), Fog (L-14)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Maroon (16), Black Cherry (111), Fog (L-14)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Bronze (37), Eggplant (115), Black Cherry (111)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Bronze (37), Eggplant (115), Black Cherry (111)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Gun Metal Grey (150), Charcoal (41), Storm Grey (Pro Chem 6160)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Gun Metal Grey (150), Charcoal (41), Storm Grey (Pro Chem 6160)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Black Cherry (111), Plum (19)

PFD Cotton Sheeting - Black Cherry (111), Plum (19)

Old School Coffee

Since moving to Portland, I have been hibernating in my studio while working on incorporating several new medias.  Just in time for spring, I have escaped my cocoon.   I am showing some of these new works at Old School Coffee on PCC's campus.  This showing is a mix of my fiber pieces, acrylic paintings, and digitally manipulated photographs.

While on the college campus, Old School Coffee also serves the local neighborhood.  Old School Coffee faces Division Street at the PCC Library Building.  Stop by to see my newest work and make sure to try the best lemon bars ever.